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Zelenkov N.V.

2005 г.

Respiration and blood circulation of Chordates: a School-book (52 с.)

Zelenkov N.V.

2005 г.

Quaternary birds from Ostantsevaya Cave, Sakhalin Island (167-168 с., Т. 32)

Zelenkov N.V., Dzerzhinsky F.Ya.

2006 г.

The hind limb structure and climbing in woodpeckers (395-410 с., Т. 85, Вып. 3)

Zelenkov N.V.

2006 г.

Perching, climbing and clining abilities in the Early Paleogene Sandcoleidae and Chascacocolius (Aves: Coliiformes) (113 с., Т. 5, Вып. 3)

Zelenkov N.V.

2007 г.

The structure and probable way of evolutionary formation of the foot in piciform birds (Aves: Piciformes) (290-297 с., Т. 41, Вып. 3)

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